Association of Correctional Food Service Affiliates

The International Association of Correctional Food Service Professionals


ACFSA Job Posting Form

Please provide the following contact information:
First NameLast Name
Work Address
Work CityWork State
Work ZipCode
Work PhoneWork FAX

Information to be posted to site:

Job Title:



Detailed Job Description to post:

Detailed Responsibilities to post

Detailed Requirements to post

Contact Information for Position (address/phone/fax/e-mail, etc.)

Application Deadline (Listings will automatically be removed after 90 days unless it is renewed or you provide a date here.)

We reserve the right to review submissions to ensure they meet the goals set by our board, committees and organization.  Jobs will normally be posted within a few days of submission.
Comments: (for ACFSA staff only will not be posted)

News Items

CA Chapter Meeting
October 9th, 2024
Come and join us Wednesday for networking, training, lunch and a Tour.
2024 SHFM National Conference
September 9th-11th, 2024

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics FNEC 2024
October 5th-8th, 2024