Association of Correctional Food Service Affiliates

The International Association of Correctional Food Service Professionals


ACFSA 2023 Annual International Conference

September 17th-20th 2023
Virginia Beach, VA

Let’s Talk About It
Dr. Anthony Vann - Chief Financial Officer, NC Department of Adult Correction

Reentry Success: Interrupting Generational Cycles of Incarceration
Jessica Lee - Reentry Services Administrator, Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC)

Employee Wellness/ Cell phone addiction
Jennifer Jessee - Western Region Employee Health and Wellness Coordinator, VA DOC

Chasing the Dragon: The Disease of Addiction
Michael Fatula - Statewide SUD Program Manager, Virginia Department of Corrections

David L. Rogers - ,

If you spoke and would like to submit your pesentations for our attendees, please send them to us at:

News Items

CA Chapter Meeting
October 9th, 2024
Come and join us Wednesday for networking, training, lunch and a Tour.
2024 SHFM National Conference
September 9th-11th, 2024

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics FNEC 2024
October 5th-8th, 2024