Association of Correctional Food Service Affiliates

The International Association of Correctional Food Service Professionals


ACFSA is announcing its educational webinar series:

Please stay tuned for upcoming webinars!

Past Webinars

Want to view a past webinar's recording or slides? Please login

ACFSA Vendor Meeting
(December 1st, 2022)

ACFSA Virtual Escape Room
(July 22nd, 2021)

Let's talk Kosher
(March 31st, 2020) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

From Supervising to Leading What Matters Most
(February 4th, 2020) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Understanding Muslim Culture and Ramadan
(April 24th, 2019) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

What is IoT and how is it improving food safety?
(March 19th, 2019) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

A Guide to Successful Correctional Foodservice Design
(July 24th, 2018) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Understanding Muslim Inmates and Their Needs
(April 25th, 2018) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Food and Nutrition Therapy for Substance Abuse
(February 20th, 2018) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Food Allergies, Intolerances, Taste Fatigue, and Food Jags
(November 1st, 2017) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Managing Diets in Correctional Facilities
(July 11th, 2017) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Business Continuity: How to stay in business during planned and unplanned renovations, especially natural and man-made disasters.
(April 11th, 2017) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Medical Diets: A BOP Perspective
(January 10th, 2017)

Utilizing Professional Partner Relationships
(July 21st, 2016) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Are You Ready for an Emergency?
(January 13th, 2016) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides

Norovirus (what it is, what happens if you have an outbreak, and steps to take to avoid an outbreak)
(October 15th, 2015) - Webinar Recording -
PowerPoint Slides